'Rapid Rx Delivery'
Prescription & Medical Supply Delivery
"From the pharmacy to your door -
the same day"
 RapidRx Prescription and Medical delivery San Diego CA  
I would like to introduce you to 'Rapid Rx Delivery', a delivery service that is dedicated solely to the delivery of prescriptions and medical supplies. Rapid Rx Delivery was brought to life in 2009 by a man who loves to provide excellent customer service. The secret to this man's success - a true love of helping people in need. Jose L. Castaneda, owner and President of 'Rapid Rx Delivery', has been delivering prescriptions and medical supplies to those in need since April of 1997. He has worked with many different pharmacies throughout the years and has always held himself to the highest standards in customer service. 'Rapid Rx Delivery' prides itself as the only delivery service to provide the delivery of prescriptions and medical supplies...
"from the pharmacy to your door - the same day"!


TELEPHONE - 619-395-6734; OFFICE - 619-857-6360

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Pharmacy without
delivery service?